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Perry Kelley

James Perry Kelley, 85, passed away in his home surrounded by many members of his loving family on August 1, 2023.

Viewing: Thomason Funeral Home in Weiser on Friday, August 11, 6-8 pm

Funeral: Thomason Funeral Home in Weiser on Saturday, August 12, 11 am

Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery in Weiser directly following the funeral.

On December 11th members of the Indianhead Fly Fishers gathered together to honor Perry Kelley for his many years of service and leadership in the group. Kelley is one of the founding members of the Indianhead Fly Fishers, and has served as chapter president several times over the years. Kelley recently relocated to Eastern Idaho to be closer to family, but he was able to return to Weiser for a brief visit, and the group wanted to celebrate the many memories they had together over the years and honor Kelley for all that he has done for the group.

Perry Kelley

Indianhead Fly Fishers non-profit organization was founded by Kelley and former Weiser resident Mike Imus in 2002. Imus is a Nurse Practitioner who has since relocated to Grangeville, but the two met shortly after Imus moved to Weiser.

At the celebration, Imus told the story of their meeting. When Imus moved to Weiser, he was interviewed by the Weiser Signal about setting up his practice, and when they asked what his hobbies were, he mentioned fly fishing. The paper suggested that he offer a casting clinic, so he said he could. When they held the clinic, he looked in the back of the attendees and saw a fisherman, with perfect form in the back of the group. So Imus pulled him up to the group, and said what are you doing at a clinic, you could clearly be helping teach it. So they broke the group in half, so that they could each give instruction, and the two developed a strong friendship from that day on.

Since then, the pair has fished together all over Idaho, the northwest, Canada and Mexico. Through their friendship, the two came up with the idea to form a local non-profit for hobbyist fly fishers. Imus shared that Kelley always said that Imus was the founder of Indianhead Fly Fishers, but Kelley was the driving force and the glue that has continually held the group together.

Mike Thomas, organizer of the event, shared that Kelley taught many members of the group, including him, how to tie flies. Kelley is a master tie flyer. Many people shared Kelley's tying skills.

"I’ve been to expos, and visited with multiple professional fly tyers, and Perry is easily as talented as any of them," Thomas said.

With Kelley’s leadership, the Indianhead have not only enjoyed several fishing trips together all of the northwest, but they have also held casting and tying clinics throughout the region from Cambridge to Vale and everywhere in between. The group was also one of the driving forces behind getting the Weiser Community Pond established, and has held regular clean ups at the pond as well as at the Owyhee River clean up for 17 years. Every year for every clean-up Kelley was right there.

The Indianhead Fly Fishers are proudly carrying on the legacy started by Imus and Kelley 20 years ago. Current President is Bruce Parsons and Lloyd Thurman is the vice chairman. Anyone with an interest in fishing the ponds, lakes or reservoirs around Weiser and the surrounding areas, or who has an interest in learning how to catch fish with a fly rod, is welcome. The group will help those interested learn the techniques necessary to catch fish with a fly rod. They meet regularly every 2nd Tuesday at 6 pm at Idaho Pizza in Weiser.